Sunday Mar 12, 2023

Vivian Wang, CEO of Landed: $8 Million Raised to Solve the Restaurant Labor Shortage

In today's episode of Category Visionaries, we speak with Vivian Wang, CEO of Landed, an end-to-end recruitment platform that's raised over $8 Million in funding, about why personal growth and career development isn’t only for the upper echelons of the corporate world, and the aspirational vision that millions of blue collar workers across America and beyond have for their future. From Scaling and streamlining the hiring process to get people into the jobs they really want, to supporting their education with a mind on what comes next, Landed is a new category of recruitment platform providing an innovative framework to help everyone achieve a more rewarding way to work.

We also speak about about how growing up in the restaurant world gave her a unique insight into the hospitality industry and the aspirations of the people who work in it, how the concerns of wage workers differ from the standard template for salaried employees, the impact of COVID-19 on both the industry and Landed’s fortunes, and why Vivian hopes to see more female founders in the future

Topics Discussed:

  • Vivian’s family background in hospitality, and what she learned about the aspirations of wage workers from watching her parent’s career trajectory
  • How the interests of blue collar workers encompass more than just the numbers in their pay package, and how Landed helps integrate diverse interests into their recruitment process
  • Why a haphazard hiring process leaves both employers and prospective employees more than a little lost online
  • Why Vivian believes that AI is going to take over some menial tasks, allowing existing employees to transition to more fulfilling, high-value roles
  • How high employee turnover in the hospitality industry has a massive impact on the way businesses operate
  • Why Vivian is hopeful to find more female founders in the startup space, and some of the myths she thinks might be keeping them away


Favorite book: 

Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It

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